July 11, 2013

"Can you please teach me how to unlock the next level of Stickman Epic?" - Tiago said to Siri. 

April 11, 2013

Tiago: Mom, what's fak you? 
Me: What's what?!
Tiago: Fak. You!
Me: Where'd you hear that?
Tiago: No, I read it.
Me: Where? 
Tiago: Here! (Showing me a magazine)
Me: Ah, that's FAQ.

February 28, 2013

While waiting for the train, I stand beside Tiago and he says, "Mom, you're blocking my good side!"
Tiago to our helper:  Can you please prepare my bed already?

Helper: Okay.

Tiago: Thank you, sidekick!

February 27, 2013

Me: Tiago, you should give yourself a pat on the back for sleeping through the night and not going into our room. You're such a big boy already!

Tiago: (after giving himself a pat on the back) You should give yourself a pat on the back, too!

Me: For what?

Tiago: For taking care of me!